Surface Preparation: The surface of concrete floors must be dry or slightly damp, clean and sound and have no crumbling or detached portions. The concrete slab must have a minimum compressive strength of 25 N/mm2 and a minimum tensile strength of 1.5 N/mm2. The strength of the substrate must also be suitable for its final use and the types of load to which it will be subjected. The level of moisture in the substrate mustbe a maximum of 4% and there must be nocapillary rising damp (check by testing it witha sheet of polythene). The surface of the floor must be preparedwith a suitable mechanical process (e.g. shotblasting or grinding with a diamond disk) toremove all traces of dirt and cement laitanceand crumbling or detached portions, and tomake the surface slightly rough andabsorbent.Before applying the coating, remove all dustfrom the surface with a vacuum cleaner. Anycracks must be repaired by filling them withStarocrackfill, while any deteriorated areas ofthe concrete must be repaired with Staroxy Epocrete from the Stanrose Repair Mortarline. Before applying Staroxy HPF 2500,remove all traces of dust from the surfacewith a vacuum cleaner.
Other Services: The coating may be used on othersubstrates. Please contact StanroseEnvirotech India Pvt. Ltd. for more information.
Priming: The concrete surface after proper andthorough surface preparation has to beprimed with Staroxy 103 MOT Primer. Theprimer is a solvent free epoxy resin system.It is designed for better adhesion with thesubstrate and the flooring system. The primer should be mixed in the givenproportions supplied. The entire contents of the hardener shouldbe poured into the base and should be mixedusing a low speed drill machine with anattachment for about 3 minutes at (150-200RPM) to get a homogeneous mix. Oncemixed, the primer should be appliedimmediately on to the prepared concretesurface. After priming, the surface has to bekept for drying - approximately 12-16 hrs.depending on the ambient temperaturebefore proceeding to lay Staroxy SL 1000.Depending upon the surface and flooringthickness, immediately after applying Primer,fully broadcast the surface with Quartz 0.5 while it is still wet to ensure the next coat ofresin adheres perfectly. When the primer hashardened remove any excess sand, sand thesurface and remove the last grains of sandwith an industrial grade vacuum cleaner.
Mixing and Application: The two components which make up StaroxySL 1000 must be blended together. Pourcomponent C (filler) into component A (resin)and mix for at least 2 minutes with an electricmixer. Then pour Component D (pigment) inthe mixture at low speed to prevententraining air into the mix (300-400 revs/min)until it is completely blended and then do thesame process to mix component B(hardener). Do not mix the product for toolong to prevent entraining too much air intothe mix.Pour the mix into a clean container andbriefly mix again. Apply a coat of 1 mm thickon the floor treated previously with Primerwith a straight or notched trowel. Using astraight trowel helps reduce the marks madeby the troweling action. Apply the mix withinthe pot life indicated in the table (refers to atemperature of +20°C). Higher surroundingtemperatures will reduce the pot life of themix, while lower temperatures will increaseits pot life. Go over the surface with a spikedroller several times while the product is stillwet to even out the thickness of the coat andto remove any air entrapped in the product.